5 abril, 2023

Seminario Biomédico: «A new measure of spasticity and disordered muscle function in the context of motor control theory»

El Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón en colaboración con la Universidad de Zaragoza organizan el 14 de abril 2023  el Seminario Biomédico «A new measure of spasticity and […]
23 marzo, 2023

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 ““Development of novel nanobodies and scFv based molecules to interfere the metastatic process»

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 ““Development of novel nanobodies and scFv based molecules to interfere the metastatic process” Tuesday, March 28th 2023From 9:30 […]
20 marzo, 2023

Máster Universitario en Inmunología Tumoral e Inmunoterapia del Cáncer

Las novedades introducidas en la inmunoterapia del cáncer desde 2010 están cambiando la forma de tratar a los pacientes oncológicos. No en vano la inmunoterapia del […]
17 febrero, 2023

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “Role of SK channels in modulating ventricular repolarization in heart failure patients»

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “Role of SK channels in modulating ventricular repolarization in heart failure patients” Tuesday, February 28th 2023From 9:30 to 10:30 Heart failure (HF) […]
6 febrero, 2023

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “EMBES Project: Study of Biomolecular Markers in Exosomes for Sarcopenia»

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “EMBES Project: Study of Biomolecular Markers in Exosomes for Sarcopenia” Tuesday, February 14th 2023From 9:30 to 10:30 Sarcopenia, the gradual and generalized […]
23 enero, 2023

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “Conjugation of nanoantibodies with NIR fluorophores as molecular probes for fluorescence-guided surgery»

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “Conjugation of nanoantibodies with NIR fluorophores as molecular probes for fluorescence-guided surgery” Tuesday, January 31st 2023From 9:30 to 10:30 Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) […]
13 enero, 2023

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “Antitumor effects of antipsychotic phenothiazines in glioblastoma cells”

IpIBA seminar series 2022/2023 “Antitumor effects of antipsychotic phenothiazines in glioblastoma cells” Tuesday, January 17th 2022 From 9:30 to 10:30 Glioblastoma is the most aggressive primary […]
13 diciembre, 2022

Seminario Científico “Exploración de datos de metabolómica de AWHS mediante análisis de componentes principales»

El próximo Lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022 a las 15:30 h  tendrá lugar el Seminario Científico “Exploración de datos de metabolómica de AWHS mediante análisis […]