CALL JPND- Neurodegenerative Disease Research
14 enero, 2021
Fernando Martínez Ubieto: «La pandemia que afecta a más personas no es el coronavirus sino la obesidad»
18 enero, 2021The HDHL-INTIMIC partners are pleased to pre-announce the launch of the new joint funding activity “Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (STAMIFY)” expected on January 28th, 2021.
The aim of this call is to encourage the development of improved methods and tools designed to assess and monitor diet and physical activity in order to help promote a healthier lifestyle.
Projects will be funded for a period of three years.
There will be a two-stage submission procedure with the following tentative time schedule:
- Deadline preproposal: 31/03/2021
- Deadline full-proposal: 22/06/2021
Funding organisation for Spain: ISCIII (total amount: 500.000 €)
More information will soon be available online.
For more information: