EP PerMed – JTC 2024: European Partnership for Personalised Medicine
9 enero, 2024
Juntos Venceremos ELA apoya a uno de los grupos del IIS Aragón para avanzar en la investigación de esta enfermedad
10 enero, 2024Call for Proposals for Multinational and Translational Research Projects on Bidirectional Brain-Body Interactions
The aim of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address critical translational and clinical questions to improve our knowledge concerning the role of bidirectional central nervous system-body interactions on the genesis and progression of neurological and psychiatric diseases. A better understanding of these interactions has the potential to uncover solutions to prevent and treat those disorders.
The central nervous system and other body compartments are highly interconnected. The central nervous system affects physiological functions through signals transmitted from the brain to the body and vice versa. Signals from peripheral organs to the brain could be derived from the immune system, metabolic processes, gut-brain axis and microbiome, among others. Dysregulation of the brain-body communication may cause severe brain disorders. The roles of the signals and their pathways for regulating brain functions are poorly understood. Consequently, the associated pathophysiological mechanisms leading to central nervous system disorders and their related co-morbidities are largely unknown.
The present call aims to fund preclinical and clinical research up to proof-of-concept clinical studies¹ addressing the pathophysiology and therapeutic developments for neurological or psychiatric disorders associated with bidirectional brain-body interactions. Research areas may cover a broad range of aspects such as genetic, epigenetic, and molecular mechanisms of disease. They may include research on the role of the immune system, gut and microbiome, metabolic system, autonomic system, hormonal system in neurological or psychiatric disorders, without ruling out others, e.g. the role of body representation in the brain. The development of preventive, diagnostic and/or therapeutic approaches including pharmacological studies and technological developments based on pathophysiological mechanisms are within the scope of the call.
Funding organisations in Spain: Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII)
Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 08 March 2024, 14:00 CET
Submission deadline of full proposals: 28 June 2024, 14:00 CET