📋🔬 Proyectos Internacionales - IIS Aragón (Diciembre 2023)
Diciembre 2023
La oficina de proyectos internacionales del IIS Aragón ha creado este boletín mensual mediante el cual se va a informar de las convocatorias de proyectos que se encuentran abiertas, los eventos y las jornadas que puedan resultar interesantes al respecto para el personal investigador y de gestión. 

Si quieres contactar con la oficina de proyectos internacionales puedes hacerlo a través de esta dirección de correo electrónico: internacional@iisaragon.es .
Convocatorias abiertas

Call for proposals for ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-2024-COG)
o    Esta convocatoria está dirigida a investigadores e investigadoras que se encuentran en la etapa de su carrera, en la que todavía estén consolidando su propio equipo o programa de investigación independiente y continuar desarrollando, así, una carrera exitosa en Europa.
o    Está abierta al personal investigador de cualquier nacionalidad con 7 a 12 años de experiencia desde la finalización del doctorado, siempre y cuando su institución de acogida esté ubicada en un Estado Miembro o País Asociado. La lectura de su tesis ha de haberse realizado entre el 01/01/2012 y el 31/12/2016. Se puede obtener ampliación de esta ventana de elegibilidad en casos concretos. 
o    En esta convocatoria se financian proyectos en la frontera del conocimiento con un presupuesto de hasta 2 millones de euros para un periodo de 5 años.




A través de esta convocatoria se financiarán proyectos de investigación dirigidos a mejorar el diagnóstico, tratamiento y cura de la hiperoxaluria y sus trastornos relacionados.

Más información aquí.

La solicitud se realizará enviando el formulario de solicitud a la dirección de correo electrónico grantapp@ohf.org.

Expresión interés


Full proposal
FEB 2024

A través de esta convocatoria se pretende ayudar a investigadores/as o grupos de investigación para la realización de ensayos de efectividad o implementación que aborden la angustia, la ansiedad, la depresión o los trastornos alimentarios en la diabetes tipo 1 (DT1).
El objetivo de las ayudas es fomentar la eficacia y la implementación de investigaciones sobre intervenciones psicosociales específicas para la diabetes tipo 1, con eficacia previamente demostrada, para su uso en poblaciones más amplias o para su uso en entornos de práctica clínica.

Más información aquí.



A través de esta convocatoria se financiarán proyectos innovadores que se encuentren en primeras fases e investiguen acerca de las causas, el tratamiento y el diagnóstico de la pérdida de audición, el tinnitus y otras afecciones relacionadas con la audición.
Cuantía máxima: 10.000 €
Short proposal

ENE 2024

Full proposal
MAY 2024

ERA4Health: Modulation of brain ageing through nutrition and healthy lifestyle (NutriBrain)
The Partnership “Fostering a European Research Area for Health” (ERA4Health) aims at establishing a flexible and effective coordination between funding organisations in the European Research Area (ERA) for Health and Well-being.
The aim of the NutriBrain call is to support transnational research projects that focus on the improvement of cognitive brain ageing through nutrition and other lifestyle factors.
Research projects should gain further insights into the modulation of brain aging by lifestyle factors and/or pilot test interventions based on the existing evidence in the literature or upscale existing pilot interventions that will help to lower the risk of cognitive impairment manifestations related to a pathological brain ageing.

Funding organization: ISCIII.

ENE 2024

 IHI – Call 5 (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-05) is a single-stage call for proposals with the following topics:
  • Topic 1: Accelerating the implementation of New Approach Methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches for the development, testing and production of health technologies.
  •  Topic 2: Development and proof of principle of new clinical applications of theranostics solutions.
  • Topic 3: Improved prediction, detection, and treatment approaches for comprehensive stroke management.
  • Topic 4: Maximising the potential of synthetic data generation in healthcare applications
Short proposal

ENE 2024

Full proposal
JUN 2024

ERA4Health: Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy (NANOTECMEC)

The Partnership “Fostering a European Research Area for Health” (ERA4Health) aims at establishing a flexible and effective coordination between funding organisations in the European Research Area (ERA) for Health and Well-being.
NANOTECMEC project proposals will address multidisciplinary and translational research. The participation of Medical Doctors and clinicians is strongly encouraged. SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprises) are also strongly encouraged to participate.  

The applications must cover at least one of the following nanomedicine areas that are of equal relevance for this call:
a) Regenerative medicine
b) Diagnostics
c) Nanotherapy

Funding organization: ISCIII and AEI.

FEB 2024
First Stage


Second Stage

  • HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-36 : Advanced biomaterials for the Health Care (IA). Strategic Innovation Markets driven by Advanced Materials presents synergies with the energy-intensive and manufacturing industries, in view of both the circularity approaches and low-carbon technologies; and with Cluster 1 ‘Health’, in view of areas on bio-based materials.


Call for proposal MSCA COFUND (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-COFUND-01-01) co-finances new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA including international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as international and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.
In practice, MSCA COFUND provides complementary funding for doctoral or postdoctoral programmes managed by entities established in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries. Those co-funded programmes must follow MSCA’s good practice in terms of international recruitment and minimum standard of employment for the recruited fellows as described in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


FEB 2024


Call for proposal MSCA Staff Exchange (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01-01) promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps turn ideas into innovative products, services or processes. It is open to research, technical, administrative and managerial staff supporting R&I activities.

FEB 2024
  • HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-3: The role of mainstream media, social media and marketing in fostering healthy and sustainable consumption patterns and how to encourage good practices.

MAR 2024

MAR 2024

MAR 2024

MAR 2024
  • ERC-2024-POC: The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
    The financial contribution will be awarded as a lump sum of EUR 150.000 for a period of 18 months. The ERC expects that normally proof of concept activities should be completed within 12 months. However, to allow for those projects that require more preparation time, the grant agreements will be signed for 18 months. Extensions of the duration of proof of concept projects may be granted only exceptionally.

MAR 2024

ABR 2024
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-IND-06-08: Developing EU methodological frameworks for clinical/performance evaluation and post-market clinical/performance follow-up of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs).
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-IND-06-09: Gaining experience and confidence in New Approach Methodologies (NAM) for regulatory safety and efficacy testing – coordinated training and experience exchange for regulators.
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-08-12: Pandemic preparedness and response: Maintaining the European partnership for pandemic preparedness.
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-08-20: Pandemic preparedness and response: Host-pathogens interactions of infectious diseases with epidemic potential.
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-TOOL-11-02: Bio-printing of living cells for regenerative medicine.

Sesión informative MSCA COFUND 2023 (co-financiación de programas de investigación)
11 diciembre de 2023 | Registro 

La Convocatoria Co-financiación de programas de investigación (MSCA COFUND 2023) abrió el pasado 10/10/2023 con fecha de cierre 08/02/2024 y cuenta con un presupuesto de 96,6 millones de euros.
La convocatoria MSCA COFUND cofinancia programas de doctorado nuevos o existentes y programas de incorporación de personal investigador a nivel nacional, regional o internacional.
El objetivo principal es el de difundir las mejores prácticas del programa MSCA, incluida la formación en investigación internacional, intersectorial e interdisciplinar, así como la movilidad transnacional y sectorial de investigadores e investigadoras en todas las etapas de su carrera.
El lunes 11 de diciembre tendrá lugar entre las 10.00 y las 12.00 una sesión informativa online que contará con la participación de una representante de la Agencia Ejecutiva de Investigación que explicará las novedades de la convocatoria, así como las principales reglas de participación y aspectos clave a tener en cuenta.
Además, entidades beneficiarias en España presentarán sus experiencias y punto de vista práctica sobre cómo preparar una buena propuesta.
Finalmente, se darán detalles sobre el sistema de apoyo por parte de los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto nacionales para la resolución de consultas y revisiones de proyectos COFUND.
Para asistir, es necesario registrarse en el enlace

Cascade Funding: everything you need to know
13 diciembre de 2023 | Registro 

Kaila and Zabala Innovation organise this webinar scheduled for December 13th at 10 AM, this engaging session promises to be an invaluable experience, lasting for under an hour.
In this insightful webinar, they aim to delve deep into the core concepts of Cascade Funding, shedding light on the key attributes of funding calls within this scheme. Their experts will pinpoint available opportunities and provide essential resources to facilitate your tracking of these prospects.
Innovation ecosystems foster collaboration among diverse entities to drive innovation. Cascade funding, a key component of these ecosystems, allows businesses to access EU funds through EU-backed projects. Its objectives are to aid SMEs and startups, enhance collaboration, and bolster European businesses’ competitiveness. Businesses benefit from public fund access, technical support, and collaboration opportunities. Kaila provides resources like a grants search engine, a regularly updated Cascade Funding Calls Calendar, and a quick guide on accessing this funding opportunity.
To be part of this enriching discussion, we encourage you to register through the link.

Oportunidades de financiación en el ámbito de la biomedicina y la salud en 2024
14 diciembre de 2023 | Registro 

El Instituto de Salud Carlos III junto con FECYT, CDTI y AEI organizan una jornada para informar sobre las Oportunidades de financiación en el ámbito de la Biomedicina y la Salud en 2024. La jornada se celebrará en el Salón de Actos Ernest Lluch, Instituto de Salud Carlos III y se retransmitirá online.

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?
8 febrero de 2024 | Más información

La Comisión Europea organiza una nueva jornada informativa sobre la financiación a tanto alzado, lump sum, en Horizonte Europa, que se celebrará el 8 de febrero de 2024 y se retransmitirá en directo a través de Internet.
Durante la jornada se explicará cómo funciona esta forma de financiación y qué se debe tener en cuenta al escribir una propuesta en este caso. Además, habrá una sesión sobre experiencias prácticas y un espacio reservado para preguntas.
La información sobre el evento está disponible en la web de la Comisión Europea.
En el portal "Funding & Tender opportunities"  hay disponible más información sobre la financiación lump sum en el apartado dedicado a este tema.


Research perspectives on the health impacts of climate change
19 febrero de 2024 | Pre-registro

This high-level conference will bring together researchers, policymakers and relevant stakeholders to reflect on the research needs in the field of climate change and human health.
Climate change is a global existential challenge that has introduced unprecedented pressures on the planet which are already translating into significant consequences for human health.
Research and innovation (R&I) are key in delivering evidence and tools to understand, prevent and reduce the health impacts of these rapidly unfolding threats. However, there are numerous knowledge gaps that need to be filled and innovation opportunities that remain untapped.
There is also growing momentum and interest at the global level to increase coordination towards a forward-looking research agenda in climate change and health that will be capable of delivering robust evidence for the necessary adaptation and mitigation actions and policies.

European Research and Innovation Days (R&I Days) 2024
20-21 marzo de 2024 
The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.
This fifth edition of the event will take place on 20 and 21 March 2024 both physically in Brussels and online, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere.
The R&I Days 2024 will give you the opportunity to debate how we can make Europe more sustainable and competitive and will celebrate the outcomes and achievements in research and innovation since the launch of the first R&I Framework Programme over 40 years ago.
It’s your chance to discover successful EU-funded research and innovation projects, experience their impact on our society and debate the importance of continued investment in research and innovation. You can find out more on Horizon Europe, including the Strategic Plan 2025 – 2027 and its Widening Instrument; R&I support to Green and Digital transition; its Global Approach; and many other topics. 
Join us to discuss and shape the future of research and innovation.
More information about the programme, the sessions and the speakers will be available soon. Stay tuned for more news by following us on Twitter @EUScienceInnov and join the conversation on #RiDaysEU.

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IIS Aragón)
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, nº 13. 50009 - Zaragoza
Tfno. +34 976 71 64 17 | +34 976 71 44 02

Recibes este boletín porque eres miembro del IIS Aragón o porque estás interesado en sus actividades. Si no deseas recibirlo, por favor, ponte en contacto con internacional@iisaragon.es para tramitar la baja de la suscripción.

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